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Week 2: 2D Design and Cutting

My hope for this week was to build a simple dancing man who brought knees and arms up in an aproximation of a traditional Molly dance.

Hand-Cut Sheep

English folk dancing has always struck me as simultaenously charming and creepy. Terry Pratchet and Stephen Moffat have both acnowledged the creepy side of Morris and Molly dancing with omages such as "The Dark Morris."

Fusion 360

I tried to fuse the playfullness of a dancing doll with a slightsly inhuman cutout for my dancing figure. My original plan to use metal wire hinges had too much play for the system, so I decided to use living hinges.

Falling Circles

I'm proud of the frame construction, most especially the small nut-like fasteners that give the structure additional stability without glue.

Sticking Circles

I ran out of time signifigantly as I spent too much energy working on the simple cam desigined to lift the legs

Dice Parts

While the leg-lifter is mechanically functional, the small motor I added to the back in order to demonstrate today lacks the torque to bend the stiff natural hinge.

Video Gif

Next steps: connecting the 90 degree gear mechanisim and the hand crank, as well as figuring out how to connect the arms to the same gear train!